October 18, 2008

Pasta Carbonara

Pasta Carbonara is one of my new pasta favorites. I tried it for the first time tonight. I will say that it is FAR from healthy, but eating it once every few months shouldn't harm anybody. DH and I feel justified in our decision on an unhealthy meal after we walked several miles today in attempt to find a non-ugly, non-whore semi formal dress for our upcoming anniversary and squadron Christmas party. Anyways, it only took me about 30 minutes to fix it all together - not too bad since it always takes me a bit longer when I cook things for the first time. I would suggest serving it with a salad just so you have something to balance out all the oils and carbs. This will feed 4 normal hungry adults. DH and I have plenty of leftovers for lunch tomorrow....and maybe another small serving for someone's lunch on Monday.

Speaking of lunches, no I don't plan menus for our lunches. DH is in the Air Force, so he's VERY busy all day. I work full time as a school age childcare teacher. I work funny hours sometimes though, so I find it hard to plan lunches when I don't know if I'm eating at home or at work....or what time I'll even get to eat some days. Instead, I look at the dinner menu and note how many of the meals will potentially have leftovers for one or two lunches. Then I'll take inventory of what lunch-ish items are left in my freezer and pantry. Then I decide what else I need to add to my grocery list that can be used for lunches. It's what works for us. I'll go into discussing what items I use in our lunches later. I'm in love with bentos, so that could be a long discussion.......

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