January 13, 2013

Menu: Jan 13-18

My husband's schedule is a bit flip flopped from our "normal" this week, so I have a list of meals. When he's available for lunch or dinner I'll make a main meal and when he's not I'll make smaller lunch-ish items for my toddler and I.
New meal for us this week is porcupine meatballs. I am going to see how homemade mashed potatoes made with almond milk goes. Last week I made chicken salad. Going to give it another go to see if I can prefect a recipe for my tastes. Trying to get my toddler to eat tuna salad and chicken salad with me, but I know I'm pretty hopeful about that so I will make him something else when I eat those just in case.

Main Meals:
Hamburgers and salads
Chicken kabobs with veggie skewers
Porcupine meatballs with mashed potatoes and steamed carrots
Mongolian beef with broccoli and rice
Pasta with shredded chicken and tomato sauce
Out to eat

2nd Meals:
Tuna fish salad (me)
Chicken salad (me)
Chicken and veggie quesadillas (son)
Whole wheat macaroni and cheese (son)
Grilled peanut butter and honey (both)
Turkey sandwiches (both)
leftovers (both)

1 comment:

wenditos said...

just updating my blog lists as I move to feedly. SO HAPPY to read you are going dairy free. We are doing an elimination diet with our little monster and the first to go is dairy. To say I am overwhelmed would be totally accurate, what can I say, we love our stinky cheese!

Looking forward to staying updated with you again!